What if my truth says your truth is a lie? What happens then? Whose truth do we go with? Yours? Mine? Neither?
Most of us are going to choose our truth to be the "truth", it's just how we are wired. Except, it isn't always the best move. As human beings, we have a tendency of overestimating our competence. We always give ourselves a higher score. So what should we do? Which truth should we go with? If we can't always trust our truth, whose truth should we trust?
I just have a simple thought I want to share with you today:
Always stress-test your truth.
If my truth says your truth is a lie, choose the truth that passes the stress test.
And before you start protesting about 'not having time', consider this: Life isn't as fast as other people would have you believe it is, and it's also not as slow as you think it is. There is a time and a season for everything. What you are suffering from is FOMO, the fear of missing out. You are the main character in your movie ... there is no movie without you.
Why should you stress test your truth? How else are you going to know it's going to work if you don't test it?
Let this definition sink in, take it in, word for word:
A stress test, also known as an exercise test or treadmill test, is used by doctors to find out how well a patient's heart works during physical activity.
If you pass the stress test, you're good to go. The same should apply to your "truth" or the "truth" others introduce into your life. Put it to the test, see how well it works.
Here is the beauty of a self-imposed stress test (even the one performed by doctors): it is done under a controlled environment. It is done in an environment where failure isn't fatal. Failure to pass the test simply becomes an indicator of the limits. So in the end, you are in a position where you know that if you take it out for a spin in the real world, there are limitations, and you can prepare yourself adequately for those limitations.
Let go of the illusion that what worked for your grandmother will work for you. Let go of the illusion that what worked last year will work this year. The conditions have changed, the rules of the game have changed. Let go of the illusion that you are always right, and let go of the illusion that your 'mentor' is always right, and stress test your truth.
Put it to the test, how else will you know if it's going to work?