Today was such a "dry" day. I couldn't decide what to share with you. I kept firing blanks, the whole day.
At some point, I even decided that I will try again tomorrow. It just wasn't happening.
And then boom! In a conversation with a friend of mine Nompumelelo (P.S: This whole conversation happened in a group chat, we were those guys tonight), it hit me. Blew my mind actually!
Here is the backdrop:
We are talking about a podcast she listened to today and we get to a point where I say, in response to a statement she made, the hope deferred makes the heart sick. And as you all know, we've had lunch over this one, and we finished the sentence ... hope deferred makes the heart sick but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
So I elaborate on my point and say to her that people who had their hopes riding on the lockdown being lifted after 21 days got their hearts broken when it was extended by a further 14 days - hope deferred makes the heart sick. But I personally have been leaving a bit of room in my heart for the extension, and focusing on other things that can help me prepare for "life after lockdown".
She so smartly said and because you see the potential for the future, the present is bearable! Right? Like we can handle this because we know what's coming! "I know the plans I have for you ..."
And this is when my mind exploded, literally! 🤯🤯🤯
I responded to her by saying
Today is the result of what we did yesterday in preparation for tomorrow.
Today is yesterday's tomorrow!
Food for thought (as if the quote wasn't enough food already)
What did you do yesterday to prepare for yesterday's tomorrow? And what are you doing today to prepare for tomorrow?
A big shout out to Nompumelelo Manana for the conversation. When you read this, know that this one is for you!