Happy Africa Day.
Today's meal was in so many ways inspired by Africa. Actually, a lot of things I do are inspired by Africa and people who have her best interest at heart. One thing I realised while thinking about this is that it is as personal as it is continental. So the idea is to address it on a personal level and hope that the small adjustments each of us make will have a continental influence and help us change the narrative.
Here is a question:
When faced with a challenge, how deep do you dig to find a solution?
Do you really invest time, effort, and resources in finding a solution or are you simply happy to run with the first "solution" you come across? Are you part of the "it's not that deep" crew?
Recently I have been paying close attention to what people say/suggest as solutions when presented with challenges or problems (applying the wise words of The Dalai Lama - "When you talk you only repeating what you know. But if you listen you may learn something new." Just thought I should throw that in there). I have come to the realisation that a lot of us are "happy" with surface-level solutions.
We are happy to run with the easy (sometimes quick) fix. We are neither prepared nor are willing to dig deep and get to the root of the problem so we can find deep-rooted solutions. The challenge is that deep-rooted problems require deep-rooted solutions. Dealing with the surface gives us a temporary fix, and honestly speaking, allows us to pass the problem on to whoever is coming after us.
When are you going to say "it ends with me"? When are you going to break the cycle? When are you going to say enough is enough? When are you going to love yourself enough to decide that you deserve real solutions to the real challenges you are facing? Or ... are you addicted to the pain?
Some of us are in positions of influence, we are the gatekeepers and we keep giving those who look up to us surface-level solutions. When are you going to honour the platform you have and solve the real problems? Or ... are you scared they won't come back if you really solve their problems?
Dear African Child, on this beautiful "Africa Day" (every day is Africa Day), I simply want to say this to you:
Beware of surface-level solutions!
Beware of SLS! Your real challenges deserve real solutions. You are a son and daughter of the African soil, do not be afraid to dig deep and nourish your roots! Take care of your roots so you can rise African child!
Happy Africa Day!